Program Editions

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Bookmark Buddy is available in four editions (which you can download from

Standard Edition

This edition is compatible with all versions of Windows from Windows 8 back to Windows 95, and is therefore recommended for most users.

Unicode Edition

This edition allows you to hold bookmark titles and notes in almost all characters sets, including Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and Russian. It is compatible with Windows 8 back to Windows 2000. It stores bookmark lists in Unicode text format (which is editable only by Unicode-aware text editors).

Portable Edition

This edition has nearly all the functionality of the Standard Edition, but does not require installation or registration: the program files can be copied to any device or folder and run from there. You can therefore run Bookmark Buddy from a USB memory stick, MP3 player or floppy disk. Settings are stored in a file (BmkBuddy.xml) in the same folder as the program file (rather than in the Windows Registry). To fully enable this edition you must copy your Personal License Register to the top level folder of the portable drive.

Unicode Portable Edition

This edition combines the features of the Portable and Unicode Editions, allowing use of Unicode bookmark lists from a portable drive.

Switching between Standard and Unicode Editions

If you open a non-Unicode (ANSI) bookmark list, Bookmark Buddy will create a copy and convert it to Unicode, leaving the original intact. (The same principle applies if you open a Unicode bookmark list in the Standard Edition.)

If you uninstall one edition when you have both editions installed, you should select Modify/Repair setup from the Application menu of the edition you keep. This ensures that the program is correctly registered with Windows. If running Windows Vista or later in User Account Control Mode (the default) you will need to re-run the installer for the edition you keep.